

2017. 11. 26


國殤八十足堪陳  刻骨屠城駭世聞

血雨紛紛秦淮水  腥風滾滾挹江門

人神共憤東洋寇  天地同悲華夏魂

旦夕亡靈三十萬  鳴鐘發聵史鉤沉


In Memory of Nanjing Massacre


Recalling the tragidies despite the passage of time for eighty years,

The Rape of Nanjing is a deep-rooted memory that each citizen shares. 

The Qinhuai River was filled with bloody rainwater,

The Yijiang Gate engulfed in flames and terror.

The Japanese brutality was nowhere else to find,

The Chinese victims were sad to all the mankind.

The death toll from the mass killing surpassed three-hundred thousand,

Such a dug-out history is but a deaf-awakening bell ringing every second.