

              風起雲湧時When wind and clouds blow

        不分國界蔓延自己And the world is one, I spread myself wide

          游離西去. 南來Roaming west and south

                棲棲遑遑Calmly flying over

          每一寸貧瘠黃土Every inch of the barren earth


安泊時已清瘦成一坯春泥了 When I am moored

                         也有消息傳來   I see myself thinning like spring mud Messages arrive

                         芬芳幾株搖曳   And several trunks shake slightly with a fragrant smell

        在自己小小的世界In their own tiny world


                         翹首山山之外  I raise my head And look beyond the mountains

                水的來處日日糾纏Water flows from its source, entangling day by day

                幽幽心事如何燙貼O how to smooth and fold

                                          折疊The secret matters of the heart



  越戰當年Viet-Nam War at That Year


  一排排沒有魚尾紋的墓碑 Row after row of tombstones with no twisting fish tails

          整整齊齊的站著Standing in good order

                    夜夜Every night

  用風刮著身上致命的彈片Using the wind to scrape off fatal shrapnel from their bodies