叮嚀與祝福 ●寄贈江嘉豪、江嘉偉愛兒
值此金風瑟瑟,清涼氣爽季節 你們正忙著收拾書卷,整頓行囊 離家別井,遠渡重洋,出國留學 臨別依依,百感交集,請聆聽 父母親懇切的關懷絮語 並且衷心獻上叮嚀與祝福……
嘉豪我兒!記得2001那年 耶魯畢業進入五花八門社會 工作於紐約世貿大樓時 二座摩天大廈辦公室遭炸毀 一幕驚心動魄世紀悲慘場面 令我們感到莫大恐懼震撼 為你能逃過大難,劫後餘生 蒙神看顧保守慶慰流淚 滿懷感恩的心覆答親友慰問 寄出五十多張捷報平安致謝卡 時光消逝日以繼夜,分秒必爭 你付出無數精力腦汁埋頭苦幹 投身證券市場廢寢忘餐地工作 經濟衰退業務動盪公司結束 殘酷現實精算師分析員的職位難保下 心灰意冷,竟惋辭了另外一份工 結束作金錢奴隸的生活,放棄豪華舒適享受 為追求祟高理想更興趣使然 前往日本,繼續學習尋求智識 男兒志在四方,希望奮發圖強,有所作為 以你達觀個性「達天下而知命」保持堅毅精神 定能如願以償,一展抱負,無悔今生。
嘉偉!親愛的孩兒 天之寵子,在兄姐疼愛下 成長於一個溫馨搖籃裡 學校的風雲人物,體壇健將 田徑項目屢屢掛帥屬運動全能 撐竿跳高曾破紀錄為校增光 獲得無數盾牌獎狀,榮譽徽章 電視訪問,報紙爭相刊載 輝煌成績耀目璀璨,轟動一時 訓練期間發生意外腿部受傷 身心靈創痛受到打擊 意志闌珊下寫出的一篇心路歷程 「沒有達成的道路」感人肺腑 急流勇退而學成就業一切歸於平淡 當與兄長到中國觀賞29屆奧運 領受中華文化源遠流長歷史悠久 為著發掘這博大精深的寶藏 辭退四季酒店助理一職 到北京大學研讀中文 知否?首次閱讀你E給我們訊息 電腦螢幕網上所寫的中文字,倍感親切 為你學習進步,欣喜感慰 切記:「為學有如金字塔,要能博大又高深」 繼續努力,持之以恆,學以致用 好好充實自己,接受大時代挑戰,迎向新天地。
聖經箴言有句:「智慧之子使父親歡樂; 愚昧之子叫母親擔憂」。 你們心若存智慧,我們也歡樂, 太公家訓中歷代的座右銘: 「不求金玉重重貴,但願兒孫個個賢」 高舉智慧,使你們高陞, 懷抱智慧,使你們尊榮。 不同境遇,觀察事物啟發智慧 在時代的熔爐成為學識與智慧並重青年 願不久將來能創基立業 毋負眾人期望,保重身體等如孝敬父母 這間雅緻蘊藏濃厚詩、書、畫氣味的小屋 以及後院栽種下的花草 都默默在等候你們的歸來 我們期盼著合家團聚擁抱的歡樂 孩子!珍重!再見!
二0一0年八月十五日 寫於美國南加州橙縣安納罕市
ADVICE AND WISHES ● To my two dear sons, Terry and David By Liang Liuying (Ann Giang)
At the time when the breeze is decorating a cool season, When you are packing up books, getting ready to leave For overseas to study, We, your parent, are feeling blue and mixed And want you to listen to us …. Some caring words, heartfelt advice and wishes….
Dear Terry, Remember 2001, the year you just graduated from Yale University And stepped right into the hodge-podge to work at the NY Trade center? When the Twin Building office were destroyed, We were all stunned by the scene with horrified fear A shocking tragedy of the century! But after we had the news that you had escaped from the disaster And being taken care by Lord We were relieved and we laughed with tears, And gratefully answered consolations and questions from friends and relatives By sending out more than 50 Thank-you cards to tell them you were safe Time flies, consistently, second by second You have put abundant energy and affords To dig into the stock market and worked your heart out Unfortunately, due to the recession of the economy Your company lost business and so did your job As an actuary or analyst Discouraged by the brutal fact You turned down another job And ended your slave-like career up To give up the luxury and comfortable life-style In order to pursue your goal and dream You headed to Japan to continue studying and searching knowledge “Man’s heart is everywhere.” We hope you hang on there and strive to get something big With your optimistic personality “Go over the world and accept the fate”! Keep that persistent mind and you will get what you want and never regret.
Dear David, dear son, A beloved son under the dearest loving of your siblings Growing up in a warm cradle You were the man in the school and a sport hero, You were the leader in Track and field and had excellent performance On any kind of sport activities, Not to mention about the record you made on pole vault That shone to give your school fame No doubt about that you’ve got numerous awards and badges, TV interviews and newspaper announcement of your brilliant deed Which had been a hit sensationally Unfortunately, during a training accident, You hurt your leg and so did your body and mind With some depression, you wrote down “Road not taken” Which described the journey of your heart and it was moving And then you bravely retreated from success and was happy To be back to a quiet and common life During the trip to the 29th China Olympic with your brother You have experienced the long and respectful history of our Chinese culture And in order to discover that compound and great treasure You decided to quit the job as assistant manager in the Four Season Hotel And went to Peking University to research and study Chinese. You know what? The first time you e-mailed me some information, It was really warm and impressive to see your Chinese characters on the computer screen I was so glad that you had been improving But remember, “Learning is like looking into a pyramid, which was built to be deep and huge.” Keep going. Be patient and apply what you learnt to what you want. Enrich yourself by accepting the challenges of the era and go forward to a new world.
There is a proverb in the Bible: “The son of wisdom makes the Father happy, While the son of fool makes the Mother worry”. If you are all wise guys, we will be happy and unworried There is another traditional idiom in our family from our grand’s “Don’t ask for the price of gold and jade Do ask for the virtue of every descendant.” Enhance wisdom and you will reach high Embrace wisdom and you will be famous In any environment, look into something to start up your wisdom And you will turn to be young men, who can fit into the melting pot of times, With knowledge and wisdom. I hope you succeed in the near future in building up your own foundation of business To not disappoint us Taking good care of yourselves is like respecting your parent This little but nice house, full of the air of poem, books and drawings As well as the plants and flowers in the backyard are all quietly waiting for your return
We look forward to reunions and all those joyful hugs Take care and see you later To all my children!
Anaheim, Orange county, South California, USA 2010.8.15