



2016. 5. 6


蒙城建市百週年  匝地風光得潤先

偉業丕開龍虎地  族群廣拓舜堯天

通衢綠漲襟懷暢  花圃紅撐情緒妍

韜略歸心施德澤  官清民樂仗才賢


A reciprocal poem for the same rhymes

of Dr. C. P. Cheung’s poem,

the Centennial Celebration of Monterey Park,

an invitation by Mayor Peter Chan


The City of Monterey Park was established hundred years ago, my friend!

Leading the surrounding scenery is here,
Enterprises are like tigers and dragons grown in this great land,

The ancient and modern tranquility of all ethnic groups is clear,
Broad streets and green environment our message send,

Flower gardens and parks with aura are near,
Good policies of services the city always intend,

To the great government and happy residents we cheer!

