繆斯        Muse 

                  by Monica M.L. Chen


偶爾失魂落魄              Occasionally driven to distraction

清晨尋找伊方向          in the morning to find her direction

有妳入夢                      with you in my dream

靈感任意飛揚              inspiration were flying extreme

回味無窮                      endlessly pondering over

是那未嘗先醉              is that feeling of already drunk before drink

苦澀還甘味覺渴望  bitter sweet taste desire

繆斯﹐繆斯                            Muse, Muse

我心中女神                            the Goddess of my heart

何時再來                      when again to come

與我同墮夢鄉              falling together with me in the dreamland as two’s


*繆斯Muse: 感也。



2012.10.29                         2012.10.29