臉書日記之四 2017.4.272017.8.5





前年小兒子換新手機,簽約時送他一個可以上網的LG tablet,內有一大堆apps附送。他轉送給我玩遊戲,我就開始玩上港式麻將了。玩得很爽,因為手氣很好,贏的分數居然是其他三搭子的十倍多。尋思我手氣為何如此好?技巧如此高?我開始懷疑apps設計者可能在作弊!!於是我開始留意其他人出牌的技術。早上,我八番聽糊一四筒,而上家打出一筒讓我糊了。翻牌後我發現上家也是全筒字,而手上拿著四隻一筒,一隻四筒,居然不開槓而把一筒打出來,讓我糊了。這不是作弊出貓嗎?老頭子這邊赢得高興,就玩得久了,廣告的出現就多啦。高明啊!這真是聰明人的世界!




















Living a life as a senior nowadays, you have to be brave, independent and thankful. After taking a fall two months ago, four people were in the know. One, I asked my wife to be present next time when I get up on the ladder again. Two, I asked my gardener to be on the ladder to finish my unfinished work. Three, I asked my doctor to take a look at my bruises. Four, I told my cousin who called me once a month Yesterday I mentioned my fall on my FB posting, I got several likes and 8-9 responses with kind words within 24 hours. Most of them are over 60's who understand what it means to be a senior. Thank you Facebook and FB friends. You connect our lives and warm my heart.












You have got to be stronger as you get older because the path ahead is going to become rougher.






Among all the specialty shops at Ala Moana Center, this hat shop attracted my attention the most. I thought of getting one. As I looked at the first one I seemed to like, the price tag was $175. I flipped up a second one and caught the price still the same. So I looked at one more and found the price tag for $475. That was the end of my curiosity!






For almost a whole month of eating out in Honolulu, we have tried a wide variety of international food, price ranging from $ to $$$$$. The food quality was all good with rare exception. Two of them were outstanding that I would rate them as $$ in price and $$$$ in quality. We were impressed and made several return trips and found them full housed every time. Their specialties: Japanese U-Don and the local ox tail soup. Highly recommended.






I am telling you, this is a wonderful world. It seems like that there are people out there who think of you a lot and want to take care of you kindly. And they don't give up on you! In my case, and some of yours too I suspect, it all began when you applied for your marriage license. You were immediately placed on the mailing list informing people of your wedding date. Right away, people wanted to arrange your wedding ceremony,to help you choose your wedding gown,to take photo for you, and to invite you to ideal places for honeymoon. When your newborn came, they provided you with samples of various baby products such as formulas, diapers, and so on. They reminded you of the importance of taking portraits and having toys and birthday parties. DIDN'T THEY MAKE YOU FEEL SPECIAL! Then, you purchased your first home, you were informed of various products of insurance, especially life insurance, to ensure the future security of your family. After you bought your second home,you were informed of vacation packages and you were invited to try them out like time-shares. HOW WARMLY YOU WERE RECEIVED! But then,they became quiet though as you were going through vocational disruptions, financial crunches, emotional turmoils, etc. It wasn't until you got divorced that you found them again in the mailbox or your computer screen that they wanted to help you out with dating services. HOW CARING THEY WERE! You went on as usual with your life, worked hard and retired from work. They knocked on your door again with fliers, and filled your mailbox with official like letters advising you on assisting living and senior homes. They told you how important it was to prepare for being incapable. You ignored them and enjoyed your life eating out on senior discounts. Now they have the nerve to tell me that inflation affects my life as if I don't already know it and I'd better prearrange myself with my burial ground in advanced payments. Since I haven't taken any action, they are now telling me that time stands still for no one and I should take action to consider this new offer. CREMATION IS A DIGNIFIED, AFFORDABLE AND SENSIBLE CHOICE. What a wonderful life with these helping hands!







隨著時代巨輪向雲端滾動,他也學會了電子網購,亞馬遜當然是首選,其他的 .com 消費,也有不錯的經驗。最近到一家大陸的號稱海外淘寶的網站去逛,說新客戶註冊後的首購可免國內外運費。於是登記開戶了。跟著選購了中國特有的文藝用品。下單付款的手續簡單,幾分鐘內 PayPal與信用咭公司就通知交割完成了。第二天網店來郵通知,該項產品不能寄運,請另選別項貨物或別生產商。没說理由,問也不答。只好再選了別家的類似貨物。隔天,網店再通知同樣情況,没說理由。投訴也不理。不奇怪,彼岸有投訴部門,但從來没人上班。於是又選了第三家公司的貨。又隔一天,網店來郵說選購貨品已準備寄運,請我到網站上處理託運手續與運費。怪怪!不是說好首購免國內外運費嗎?罷了,已經上鉤,就上網處理去。先交錢充值,再選寄運方式。等辦到最後一步,運費約為貨品單價的十倍。哇塞!坑人吧!就此打住。你有暗道,他老爺走陽關道。第二天通知信用咭公司去dispute。也許老人家信用好吧,不到24小時就消帳了。信用咭公司職員也不白幹,寄個問卷調查,老爺子當然給最高的評分與正面的評價了。












出外旅行約一個月,自煮不方便,以外食為主。回家後,就回到老本行,當煮夫。今天咀饞,想吃廣式煎腸粉。可是要先蒸後捲再冷卻,然後再煎,功夫不少。於是決定就地取材,另創新法。用越南的捲粉成糊光煎試試。簡單的肉餡,老婆卻準備了五六種食材,只好弄成了五彩花式餡。這是前所未有的嘗試,小火煎粉糊成形,加上餡,上蓋慢蒸。開始有難度了,要在鍋上捲成腸粉,就講究啦!結果是出現了各種狀況,看圖就曉得了。最後粉糊用完了還剩點餡,就用 Tortillas 薄餅做個pizza吧!






【浪淘沙】 「2016 重上擎天岡」

















