緣來不易     Yuan, not easy!


晨起與妳通電                                  I called you this morning

舊語新聲來緣不易                        It’s not easy to chat on “Yuan”

問我會否情移                                  You asked me about a change

恕我難知愛意隨緣                        Pardon me for ignoring

依稀記得從前                                  I still remember some old things

也曾想過隨便挑個                        Like taking some for granted

咖啡店的天鵝                                  Like the one “Coffee-swan” as named    

蛤蟆無份錯過奈何                        Without a future processing

媒人介紹奇多                                  I’ve had still a lot more coming

怕去拍拖怕墮愛河                        But I just don’t like the chance

緣來不易寄和                                  Yuan and the chance are the same         

耐心去等對錯難言                        And are not easy to come even if you keep waiting

不如珍惜眼前                                  Let’s be gratefully keeping         

有電能通掛線自牽                        Keep on chatting whenever we have a chance

問我會否變遷                                  If you asked me about a change

恕我無知來緣自便                        Pardon me for not answering


于中                                                      by Yuzhong

2009.4.23寫於休士頓                         Houston, 2009.4.23