獨 行   Walking   Alone


在四顧茫茫的雪地       Walking in a vast, snowy field

一個人踽踽獨行         I was alone and moving slow

沒有風  也無鳥啼       No wind, not even a crying bird

唯有雪的寧靜           There’s only the silence of snow


我闖入一片林裡         Then I intruded into a piece of woods

只聽到自己的跫音       Only my footsteps echoed behind

車聲已遠在天際         Traffic noises were left over the horizon

我有顆不競的心         What I kept was my peace of mind


回頭所能看見           Looking backward all I could see

一徑鴻爪般的腳印       Was a trail of footprints left by me

這些能否留到明天       Whether they could last till tomorrow

誰也不能肯定           Surely no one could foresee


也沒有什麼理由         Nor was there any good reason, why

踏上這一條僻徑         I should take this secluded course

現在  已快到盡頭       Now, I have almost reached its end

無悔  靠一點自信       No regret, I hold out my confidence