北來菲蒙竟日有雨  2021. 10. 24


北地楓紅凍意先  菲蒙暴雨冷窗前

聆琴悅耳安閒日  養性觀書待夜天

耽酒欲求詩氣醉  操歌只願韻篇延

晚來又覺風聲緊  靜處廳堂但坐禪


燈影華章酒小斟  前庭綠樹靜愔愔

寒凝北地覊途遠  氣轉西風夜色沉

獨有幽懐書凍意  亂飛殘葉引詩心

不嫌慵晚連綿雨  擁著棉衾撰句吟


童 詩    2021. 10. 30



糕餅玉脂塗  簷牆麵粉敷

南瓜燈點火  母子手調醐

潤飾多橙彩  和諧有綠珠

年年迎萬聖  童稚盡歡愉



Juliet‘s Halloween House Cake

— A poem to the kids

Spreading cake mix and cream

with flour paste applied…to make walls and eaves

Pumpkin lanterns are lighted up

While mom and son prepare the creamy stuff

Full of decorations … the color mood of orange

In harmony are …the green candy beads…

Every year comes the Halloween

Lo ! there…the happy and joyful kids