艾森豪園鴨湖   2022. 1. 29


風蕩水漣漣  光涵暖日天

幽池浮百鴨  古意散千篇

園靜詩心闊  松高樹鼠儇

攜孫泉石處  頻自撫鬚鬈


鴨湖歸來賦得   2022. 1. 29


伴孫餵鴨小手牽  桉柏梧桐滿路連

交錯葵垂嬉徑遠  縱橫蔓引傲人前

微雲皧皧春姿態  幽水粼粼稚子緣

照眼青林園景好  扶攜談笑入詩篇



2022. 2. 1


紅衣亮麗衮金黃  錦繡花紋福字藏

傳統唐裝元旦日  綾羅綢緞映春光



Poem for the portrait of the grand kid

in Tang costume for the Spring Festival


James Pi 2022.2.1


The red clothes embroidered with golden yellow...

is bright and beautiful

Splendid patterns are all over...

with the hidden “Lucky” characters

Wearing the Tang costume of tradition...

lunar new year in celebration

The silky damask and brocade ...

bring the good spirit of the Spring