仲 夏(漢英雙語)
2015. 7. 17


花蔭納涼宜  狸奴慵步移
玉蘭芳氣送  柳線翠簾垂
蟬響貫幽樹  荷錢映綠池
繩床眠燥午  月夜好裁詩



translated by James Pi

It is fair...
to enjoy the cool air
Under the shady flowers,  I see a cat ...
indolently moving its steps.
Magnolias are giving fragrant scent,
Willows are hanging down ...
like curtains in green.
In the stillness tree...
continuously I hear, 
harsh trilling of cicadas
Small lotus leaves in the pond 
making reflection like little green coins.
This afternoon dry and hot ...
on the rope-meshed hammock,
I enjoy a respite
such that in the moonlit night...
I can compose poems for recite.


多倫多鄧超文笛兄2015. 7. 18箋注:
