



2016. 5. 6


開埠欣逢屆百年  清廉風範着鞭先

扶持商賈安錐地  助導移民義薄天

異族風情千樹秀  多元文化百花妍

輝煌政績堪陳贊  廣拓程有哲賢


A reciprocal poem for the same rhymes of

Dr. C. P. Cheung’s poem,

 the Centennial Celebration of Monterey Park,

 an invitation by Mayor Peter Chan


A happy occasion of the Centennial Celebration of Monterey Park,  my friend!

The model of honesty as pioneers from here,

Assist businesses develop in this free land,

The policy of resettling immigrants is clear,

Various beautiful trees of customs send,

Multicultural flowers are planted near,

Wonderful service for the people the City Council intend,

Another hundred years of new adventure we cheer!

