
The song of Ching- Ming


我心懷一兩首                  I bring in my heart

唐詩宋詞                           one or two of the Chinese poems

手抱半段元曲                  holding in my mind an ancient guitar

與明清高唱清明             and sing with all the old dynasty the song of Ching-Ming

高山青  大地鳴               The land sings together while the mountain is so clean

雨不細語                          since no rain is murmuring

仙人先聽                          Angles  and ancestors  listens

墓碑頭頭是道                  Monuments nods their rocks

冥鏹口沫橫飛                  Burning underworld-money flies their  flames

回音不斷                          echoes  echo

不斷魂                              non-stopped

不斷                                  non-stopping

                                      the soul

不斷回音                          the song

不斷唐宋元明清             the song of the ancient’s

不斷清明                          the song of Ching-Ming



于中                     By Yuzhong

2009.3.31寫於休士頓   Houston, 2009.3.31