
 More on Ching- Ming


清明時節正近                                  Close enough is Ching-Ming.

故國異鄉尋根各同                        We miss our deceased wherever being.

老外無動於衷                                  Though foreigners feel weird,

也憑網路覓宗追源                        They track family histories on net searching.

時代腳步行先                                  On the steps of times ahead,

有誰往後高瞻前人                        Who would go back and respect the dead?

無事不獻殷勤                                  Only when by Ching-Ming,

清明正好報恩酬神                        The time is good to do that.

且看墳場草根                                  Look at the grass nearby.

平時枯乾最近青長                        They’re growing green while used to be dry.

蠋新花嫩留香                                  Candles new, flowers fresh,      

灰燼猶暖酒躺茶眠                        Ashes are still warm as well as tea and wine.

再聽家鄉那邊                                  Listen to my home land.

玉帝殿裡祖先安寧                        My ancestors were safe, they said.

房車冥鏹更勝                                  They’ve got more fun in temple.

不禁懷開響應清明                        With Ching-Ming there’s no way I am sad.


于中                        By Yuzhong

2009.4.2寫於休士頓        Houston, 2009.4.2