


美好的星期五                                     Friday is good through Sunday

好得連一日也不放過                         Until Monday as it may be

而聖潔的星期六                                 And the Holy Saturday

也長得如周末的蹉跎                         Is as long as the long weekend

十字架上的那天                                 While crucified is Friday

味覺亦犧牲了自我                             Sacrificed would be the taste

而在復活節那天                                 And while Easter is Sunday

且看那一臉飢餓                                 Wed see the hungry faces

尋覓重生的人群                                 Hunting for the rebirth

齊唱著美味人生的復活之歌             Of life or taste

彩蛋獵到                                             Eggs are painted great

免兒楚楚                                             Bunny is kind with that to play

且重拾味覺                                         Lets be eaters on Sunday

同享一切的復活                                 Hunting for baskets of all

美好的人生                                         The taste of life

恩賜的生活                                         The taste of the rebirth from him who sacrificed

快樂的人生                                         The taste of happiness

多釆的生活                                         The taste of colors

以及這一個                                         And the taste

復活節的                                             Of the forever

復活                                                     Easter Sunday


于中                                                      by Yuzhong

2009.4.9寫於休士頓                            Houston, 2009.4.9