我不知道 I Don’t Know


    為什麼要寫詩?我不知道 Why do I write poetry? I don’t know
    鳥為什麼要飛?雲為什麼 Why do clouds float and bird sing
  要飄?春天為什麼又來到? And why every year back comes Spring?

  我不知道,為什麼要寫詩? I don't know, why do I write poetry?
      是排遣冬日懨懨的無聊 Just for killing the dull Winter day
    或是,為我的存在寫照? Or, to prove my existence in some way?

  為什麼要寫照?我也不知道 Why do I prove my existence, I don't know
也許,存在就是要不斷創造: Probably, existence requires endless creation:
    上帝的新葉子,我的新詩 As God's fresh leaves; so do my new poems

    從周遭冷冷厚厚的雪地裡 In the cold and heavy snow fields
    我的一股按捺不住的詩意 My budding inspirations can't be suppressed
        像鬱金香頂出了凍泥 Like tulips' cracking the frozen ground