窗前的白楊 An Aspen at My Window


        窗前有一棵白楊樹  At my window there is an aspen tree

        在秋風裡瑟瑟作聲  In the autumn wind he is rustling

    不知道他在絮絮些什麼  I do not know what his whispering may be

        我常常是聽而不聞  Often, I heard him without listening


    他的葉片是小小的心臟  His leaves are hearts of miniature size

      樹身上有一隻隻眼睛  And his trunk grows many eyes

  也許他看到我在燈下凝思  He may have seen me pondering under a lantern

    我卻不能領會他的關心  But I have never sensed his concern


    他似乎在說:秋天太短  He seems to say: Autumn is too brief

      金色的葉片已快掉盡  Almost all my golden leaves are dead

    或許他在暗中羨慕著我  Outside in the dark, he might envy me,

        降雪時有一個屋頂  When snow starts I have a roof over my head


        我倒是十分妒嫉他  In fact, I am quite jealous of him

      葉子掉盡還可以重生  Leaves can die and grow again for sure

      春往秋來,我會老去  But, year after year, I will only grow older

    有一天見不到我的蹤影  Until one day he wont see me anymore


    他原自雪山皚皚的溪邊  In a snowy mountain creek he originated

      我遷自亞熱帶的雨林  From a sub-tropical rain forest I migrated

    兩棵移植的樹不期而遇  Two transplanted trees meet here by chance

  一個怕長年輪、一個無根  He worries about rings, and l, about my roots



        : 白楊 (Aspen)  Note:  Aspens cannot survive long at lower elevation. 


