黃 昏 At  Dusk


 一只巨鷹向西天撲去  A huge eagle dashes to the west sky

     如夸父般地追蹤  Like Kua-Fu, ever chasing the sun*

 也許它只想探一顆星  He may only want to search for a star

     或為了一片霞紅  Or, for the cloud’s rosy attraction


而海,這時已經半醺  Now, the sea looks half-drunk

  泛出了酡紅的臉龐  A red flush has appeared on her cheek

不能忍受熾熱的一吻  She can not bear the hot kiss from the sun

     退隱在夜幕後方  And retreats behind the night’s curtain


這是一幅亙古的動畫  This is an eternal picture of animation

  過往的人都會矚目  Whoever passes-by would stand and stare

多看一眼不算是貪婪  One more look is not a greedy action

  一生有幾回駐足?  In your life how many stops have you taken?


人都說:夕陽無限好  A setting sun is a boundless beauty, they say

    只是留不住餘  Yet, no one can make it really stay

且回去將它認真捕捉  I’ll bring it home and capture its image

    不悲落日和年歲  With no lament and complaint of my age


*In Chinese myth, a man called Kua-Fu chases the sun all the time. Also,

a Chinese saying: “The setting sun is a boundless beauty. Alas, it is near the dusk. ”

