我的遺願 My Last Will


          請不要讓我  Do not make me, please

      躺在狹窄的空間  Lie in a confined space

    聽不到畫眉的細語  To  hear no song of thrush

    嗅不到茉莉的清香  And smell no aroma of jasmine

            讓我飛揚  Please let me fly high

    在雄偉的河谷之上  And over a grand valley

      疲倦了,像這鷹  When tired, l rest like an eagle

    棲息在岩石的山頂  Atop a bare rock peak

      瞰視天地和東方  And overlook the world and the East


        請不要置我在  Please do not place me

            天平之上  On a delicate scale

     $ 來斤斤計量  And use $ to weigh my value

          我願意夾在  I would like to be squeezed

      舊書店的木架上  At a shelf in a used-book store

    讓人們翻閱、瀏覽  And let people take a glance or read

        當他們飢於詩  When they are hungry for poems

              渴於愛  Or thirsty for love

          卻只有兩只  Even when all that they have

          空空的口袋  Are two empty pockets


        對不起,上帝  Sorry, God

    請不要拘我在天堂  Please do not detain me in Heaven

      或向那地獄釋放  Or set me free to Hell

     (在世時,我慣於  (In this world, I am accustomed

           跋涉四方 To roaming around the Earth)

請給我一具宇宙的GPS  So please give me a universal GPS

      讓我去黑洞探險  Let me explore a black hole

      任我在銀河徜徉  Let me wander in the galaxy

