聽 海 Listening to the Sea

一只海螺的獨白  The Monolog of a Conch


        你們為什麼要聽海?  Why do you come to listen to the sea?

  為了如鼓如風、澎湃的潮音  Is it for its roaring sound, like wind and drum

  那種令人興奮、鼓舞的天籟  Nature’s music that excites and exhilarates you?


        你們為什麼要聽海?  Why do you come to listen to the sea?

  為了日以繼夜、柔柔的波聲  Is it for its everlasting melodies, soft and peaceful   

      那種永恆的耳語和關愛  A kind of eternal whisper and love?


        這些都是,也都不是  All these are reasons, yet they are not

    我要傾聽的是大地的跫音  What I want to listen are Earth’s footsteps

            發自地軸的輪轉  Its rhythms from rotating axis

            起自千里的風雲  Its sounds from gathering wind and clouds

            來自滿月的呼應  And its reactions to the full moon


      我是貼在海涯砂灘上的  Lying flat on a beach far away

            一只詩人的耳朵  I am the ear of a poet
