





2015. 1. 28

文明遺棄惹幽衷  蜀魄巴魂入眼瞳

攬古好尋千載遠  驚奇卻訝百銅工

玉牙璋老餘威武  金面神全尚猛雄

黃裔靈宗玄秘物  龐然縱目詭豐隆


多倫多鄧超文笛兄2015. 3. 15箋注:



Exploring the Bowers Museum

--Cultural Relics Exhibition from Sanxingdui.

(translated by James Pi) (02/10/2015)


Alas! the lost civilization stirs up my sequestered mind.

The Shu forms and Ba spirits attract pupils of my eyes.

Grasping the old I enjoy ...

searching the remote of thousand years' past.

Surprisingly I am amazed ....

by those hundreds of skillful implements of bronze.

The power and prestige of the aged,

jade-made commander's seals remained.

The golden masks of human-animal composite creatures

still show their heroic faces in various ways.

Lo! Those are the mysterious and profound things,

to the decedents from the Huang-ti King.

And behold,  that gargantuan, eye-protruding utensil...

eerily shows its sumptuous and copious shape.